Getting Started#

The op-analytics repo is the one stop shop for the Data Team at OP Labs.

Virtual Environment#

We use uv to manage the virtual environment and project dependencies. After installing uv you can create your development virtualenv by running:

$ uv sync

Command line interface#

The opdata CLI (defined in src/op_analytics/cli) is used to expose the many utilities that are defined as part of our project member packages. Some of this utilities are internal. For example to help us autogenerate code, documentation, or to provide a simple way to execute some logic during CI/CD. We also have utilities that have external use cases. For example fetching onchain data from RPC nodes. Ideally every tool that we write in python should be exposed as a CLI subcommand.

You can see the CLI help message by running:

$ uv run opdata --help

Or get help about a specific subcommand:

$ uv run opdata rpc --help

opdata subcommands are defined as python modules under src/op_analytics/cli/subcommands. If you want to develop a new subcommand look in there for examples of how to get things set up.

Directory Structure#


We are currently in the process of migrating to our new directory structure for the project. There are a lot of directories in the top-level at the moment that we hope to reorganize over time.


The project is structured as a uv Workspace. This means there is one top-level src/ directory and multiple individual workspace member packages under packages/.

Any python implementation that we leverage for data work will be contained inside a package. At the top-level we only define a command-line interface, which is the default way by which we interact with our functionality.


The dbt/ directory contains a dbt project. This is still work in progress, but we hope all our data warehouse tables will be modeld with dbt. The dbt autogenerated docs are written out to docs/dbt. See dbt models for more.


We use sphinx to write documentation for our project. The sphinx directory contains our sphinx configuration and markdown files. The html build output is written to docs/. Our github-pages configuration is set up to serve a static site from the repo root directory. We have an index.html file at the root which redirects to docs/sphinx/html/index.html.


Directory for storing notebooks and associated data. We are in the process of migrating contents here. There are two subdirectories here adhoc and scheduled to distinguish between the type of work.

Google Cloud Credentials#

Some functionality on this repo requires you to be authenticated with google cloud. You should install the gcloud cli and then run:

gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project oplabs-tools-data

Note, if you see the following error then either you are not authenticated or you do not have access to the required resource:

DefaultCredentialsError: Your default credentials were not found. To set up Application Default Credentials