Test Fixture Format

There are two primary types of test fixtures: Derivation and Execution. Test fixtures are static JSON files that live in the [fixtures][fixtures] directory.

Execution Test Fixtures

Execution test fixtures live inside the fixtures/execution/ directory. Each JSON file in this directory contains the JSON-serialized [ExecutionFixture][exec-fixture] object which is defined in Rust in the [op-test-vectors][op-test-vectors] crate.

The ExecutionFixture holds everything needed to test execution of the OP Stack. It's composed of the following.

  • An ExecutionEnvironment, which is used to setup the execution client's environment.
  • An initial set of addresses and their states, also called the "pre-state".
  • A final set of addresses and their states, also called the "post-state".
  • A list of transactions to execute in the environment.
  • The result of executing all the transactions.

Derivation Test Fixtures


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